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Hi everyone!

This is a review on the final book of the Captive Prince trilogy which was published February, 2nd.

So, if you haven’t read the previous books there might be some spoilers ahead !

Disclaimer: I won’t reveal some majors spoilers in here, just give my opinion on the book !


"Damianos of Akielos has returned.

His identity now revealed, Damen must face his master Prince Laurent as Damianos of Akielos, the man Laurent has sworn to kill.

On the brink of a momentous battle, the future of both their countries hangs in the balance. In the south, Kastor's forces are massing. In the north, the Regent's armies are mobilising for war. Damen's only hope of reclaiming his throne is to fight together with Laurent against their usurpers.

Forced into an uneasy alliance the two princes journey deep into Akielos, where they face their most dangerous opposition yet. But even if the fragile trust they have built survives the revelation of Damen's identity—can it stand against the Regents final, deadly play for the throne?"


I’ve just finished reading it! I was so excited and was really looking forward to reading it and having to wait an extra time after it was released to get it was a living hell! Anyway I began to read it quite late and was so captivated by it that I couldn’t put it down and be reasonable enough to get to sleep before finishing it (I think readers can feel me on this point).

AND OH MY GOD!! I’m in love with the story, in love with Damen and Laurent, in love with their relationship, because it is one of the most beautiful relationship ever! This gave me so much feels! I was really into it and I still am after two days!

One of my favorites quotes from the book showing Lamen’s love (#Lamen standing for Damen and Laurent ship name):

"‘Show me,’ said Laurent, ‘how it could be.’


‘I would court you,’ said Damen, ‘with all the grace and courtesy that you deserve.’

He undid the first lace on Laurent’s shirt, and the fabric began to open, a glimpse of the hollow of his throat. Laurent’s lips were parted, his breath hardly stirring.

Damen said, ‘There’d be no lies between us.’

He opened the second lace, felt the low throb of his own pulse, the warmth of Laurent’s skin as his fingers moved to the third.

‘We’d have time,’ Damen said, ‘to be together.’

And in the warm flame light, he lifted his hand and cupped Laurent’s cheek, and then leaned in, and kissed him on the lips, gently."

Extrait de: C. S. Pacat. « Kings Rising: Book Three of the Captive Prince Trilogy. » iBooks.

It’s a beautiful conclusion to the trilogy! I wish this book could be infinite and never end…

Luckily for us, three short stories are in project as told by C.S PACAT herself on her Website:

"The first of these stories is called Green but for a Season and will focus on the relationship between Jord and Aimeric in Prince’s Gambit.

The second is a Damen and Laurent story that will follow the events of Kings Rising – an epilogue of sorts that is separate to the main story.

The third… I cannot announce yet, because it is a spoiler! (But soon!)."


This book and the trilogy in general is a real treasure and I’m really glad my friends told me about it so, it’s my turn to highly recommend it to you!

If you love historical novels (royalty, slaves, betrayal, wars stuff) and romance and you don’t mind homosexual relationship, you will certainly love this universe so I urge you to read it!

Also, as I’m French and studying translation, I’ll gladly read it again in French when it comes out.

What about you ? Did you read the trilogy ? Did you like it ?

If not, do you intend to read it ?

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